Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Treatments

We provide Emerald Ash Borer Treatments throughout Milwaukee, Mequon, Stevens Point, Wausau and surrounding areas.

Save your Ash Trees or Give them up to the Bugs!

Emerald Ash Borer is Here

Emerald ash borer (EAB) is killing millions of ash trees and placing many trees in your neighborhood at risk. The choice is clear: treat your trees to save them or expect them to be killed by the borers.

What is Emerald Ash Borer?

EAB is an invasive pest from Asia that is destroying the ash tree population throughout the U.S., where it has already killed tens of millions of trees with no sign of slowing down. This insect has already populated the state of Wisconsin, and is in the process of killing all untreated ash trees.

Milwaukee & Wausau Emerald Ash Borer Treatments

What do I do if I have ash trees? And what do I do now?

First, you need to call one of our First Choice Tree Care experts to come and inspect the ash trees that may be infested on your property. We will evaluate the level of damage and determine if the tree is within treatment guidelines. Not all ash trees should be treated or saved. Let us help you determine whether your ash trees are in good health and contribute significantly to the value of your property or whether they are small, hazardous, or unhealthy and should be removed. We will be able to provide advice to help you make a comfortable decision and help you develop a course of action for your ash trees – one by one.

How can I protect my ash trees?

You don't have to lose your tree. Research has shown better than 90% survival with treatment. Protection before EAB discovery is most effective; the earlier the treatments, the better your chance of saving your trees. Consult with us for an honest appraisal of whether your tree can or should be treated by our experts. We will then discuss a course of action with you and develop a plan to fit your needs and budget. Make the right choice and call First Choice Tree Care today for help with all your emerald ash borer concerns.

Emerald Ash Borer Tips

A cure for emerald ash borer exists. Research has shown over 90% survival with treatment. Treated trees will almost always survive. Get to know the signs of EAB to detect an infestation better.

  • The first sign that you have an EAB infestation may be woodpecker damage. Look for peeling or flaking bark, as it strongly indicates that EAB is present.
  • Look for D-shaped emergence holes in the bark. The holes will be about 1/8 inch in diameter and are a sure sign that EAB has already infested the tree. If you can see these holes at eye-level, the tree is already infested beyond treatment guidelines and will need to be removed.
  • Other signs include branch die-back, thinning canopy, and sprouts growing from the tree base or trunk of the tree.
  • Look for emerald ash borer beetles present during the summer months.
  • If you suspect you have an infestation, call a tree care professional right away to discuss your options. Remember that treatments are a more economical approach to EAB management than removal and replacement.

For the latest EAB news, please visit this link: http://datcpservices.wisconsin.gov/eab/. Information from the University of Wisconsin Department of Entomology can be found here: http://labs.russell.wisc.edu/eab/.

Frequently Asked Questions

Arborists are trained professionals that are knowledgeable and equipped to provide proper tree care. They are specially trained to provide a variety of services to maintain trees. ISA Certified Arborists are individuals who have achieved a level of knowledge in the art and science of tree care through at least three years of experience and have passed a comprehensive examination. They are also required to continue their education in order to maintain their certification, ensuring their knowledge is updated on the latest arboriculture techniques. ISA Arborist Certification is a non-governmental voluntary process that operates without the mandate of law. It is an internal self-regulating device administered by the International Society of Arboriculture. Certification provides a measurable assessment of an individual's knowledge and competence required to provide proper tree care.

The type and frequency of tree care depend on the species, age, location, climate, and other factors that affect the tree's growth. The first step is to educate yourself about your trees and understand their needs. It is imperative to understand that proper tree care is a lifelong process and that planting and caring for a tree is a long-term commitment. A Certified Arborist can create a management plan to best suit the needs of each individual tree in your landscape.

Topping is the indiscriminate cutting of tree branches to stubs or lateral branches that are not large enough to assume the terminal role. Other names for topping include "heading," "tipping," "hat-racking," and "rounding over." Topping is perhaps the most harmful tree pruning practice known. It is usually done to reduce the size of a tree. Often, homeowners top their trees because they feel that they have become too large for their property and are a hazard. However, topping will make a tree more hazardous in the long term and is very harmful to the health of a tree. No educated arborist would ever "top" a tree. "Pollarding," often confused with topping, is an ornamental style of pruning popular in Europe, which involves annual trimming of the new shoots.

Mulches are organic materials placed over the soil surface to maintain moisture. Mulching is extremely beneficial to trees. It can reduce water loss from soil, minimize weed competition, and improve soil structure. Properly applied, mulch gives landscapes a healthy dose of benefits for your trees.

As soon as you notice any abnormality in your tree's appearance, you should begin a careful examination of the problem. Insects and diseases can threaten a tree's health. You should contact a Certified Arborist for assistance immediately. By identifying the specific symptoms of damage and understanding the causes, they will be able to diagnose the problem and recommend appropriate actions for treatment.

Trees are essential to our world, offering a wide range of environmental benefits. However, trees become hazardous liabilities if they fall and injure people or damage property. Proper, constant maintenance will help prevent and identify when a tree becomes dangerous. Evaluating the seriousness of a tree's condition is best done by a Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) Arborist.

One of the best websites for consumer tree care information is www.treesaregood.org. For personalized service and detailed information pertaining to your trees, it is best to contact an ISA Certified Arborist to schedule a consultation. For a nominal fee, a Certified Arborist can provide you with a wealth of information, including tree identification, proper pruning, insect and disease problems, and soil nutrition.

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